Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Day 29

I'm feeling better now.  Whatever it was that I had yesterday wasn't long lasting and it certainly wasn't the covids. Some sort of 24-hour virus.

I actually felt the fever break around 11:00 pm yesterday.  Prior, I felt like one of those red, glowing figures in an infrared photograph and then suddenly it all started to fade away and I could literally feel my metabolism regain equilibrium.

I was afraid I wouldn't be able to sleep last night because I had basically napped all day, but I slept like a baby.  I woke up this morning to a pleasantly cool Unsellable Condo but no shivers or shakes.  The lethargy and tiredness I felt all day yesterday were gone.  I was still thirsty and I drank a lot of water today, although not nearly as much as yesterday.

I stopped by the house today.,  It's almost finished.  The new floor in the bedroom is completed - I just need to wait a day for the varnish on the wood floor to dry.  There's a little touch-up needed here and there, but we're basically done.  I could probably move back in tomorrow afternoon, although the first availability the movers have is Saturday morning.

At least I can move without suffering from the flu, or worrying about whether it's the covids.

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