Sunday, July 21, 2024

Rise of the Infanta


As you've undoubtedly already heard by now, President Joe Biden has announced he's ending his campaign for reelection.

This is truly historical. After yesterday's rant, I'm not going to say that I'm "old," but I have lived a sufficient number of years that I can remember, albeit faintly, Lyndon Johnson announcing he won't seek reelection in 1968. I was 14 then - too young to have followed politics seriously, but like many young people, I associated Johnson with the Vietnam War and was glad he wasn't running. As it turns out, Nixon was far worse, by so many measures including escalation of the war.  

I also remember Nixon's abrupt resignation following the Watergate scandal in 1974. I was 20 then, and thoroughly despised Nixon, the war, his stupid scandal, his treachery, his "war on drugs," and so many other things.

But even if you live 70 years like me, you only see this kind of thing a handful of times in your life - less than the fingers on one hand. Sure, I remember incumbent presidents losing reelection bids (Carter, Ford, Bush Senior, Agent Orange), but that was different. I've seen front-runner presidential candidates drop out of the race following scandals (Gary Hart, John Edwards), but never before an incumbent.

I remember the first Moon landing (I was camping in a Louisiana bayou). I remember the fall of the Berlin wall (CNN on tv in my apartment near Albany, NY). I remember 9/11 (Day Four of a week-long Zen meditation retreat). I'll remember this day, too - we may never see this happen again.

There's a lot more to be said, but I'm still processing my thoughts and others have already said  things about this better than I ever could. 

Best wishes to Vice President and presumptive nominee Harris, and thank you for your service, Joseph Biden. You've served your country well.

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