Monday, July 22, 2024

Day of the Heavy Sight


The Gaming Desk wants you to know - and it can hardly believe it itself - that we're still playing Horizon: Forbidden West. 364 hours so far, third most of any game we've played, and those ones with more hours (Fallout 4 and Cyberpunk 2077) we're played through multiple, as in three, four, or more, times.

We finished the base game back in late June, and then spent some 40 hours in the Burning Shores DLC. Two weeks ago, we were about to pack it in, even selected and downloaded the next game we intend to play (Deus Ex: Human Revolution), but just before we closed out Horizon decided to peek behind the New Game + curtain to see if all our equipment and skills really would appear at the start of a second game. They would, and as soon as we went through the very initial scenes of the replay, we were hooked - we realized we're going to play the whole thing again. 

The New Game + replay is going along a lot faster than the original playthrough - my character is fully leveled up and stronger with all the skills from the first game, and I've solved all the tricky puzzles once already and even though I don't explicitly remember every one, I'm solving them a lot faster this time. 

Anyway, I fully expect to be playing Horizon for the rest of this month, and probably well into August as well. 

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