Thursday, July 11, 2024

Billows in Possibility


It's amazing after a week of temperatures in the high 90s and heat indices over 100° how cool 91° and relative humidity under 50% can feel. I took my full 5-mile walk today (actually, 5.7 total), even including the shadeless areas  out in the mid-afternoon sun.  

In the evening, I watched Biden's NATO press conference. It's unfortunate that all anyone will be talking about is how, early in the conference, he flubbed his line and referred to "Vice President Trump" instead of "Harris," and no one will be talking about how he got much more coherent and much less prone to gaffes as the hour progressed. He even gave a long and detailed talk about China and foreign affairs in general, correctly name-dropping several Mideast leaders. It was a nuanced and well-informed 10 minutes that one would ever in a hundred years expect to hear from Trump. But no one's diagramming his every sentence to look for errors - not that they don't think there are any (they are legion), but no one cares. Biden said "Trump" when he meant "Harris," the narrative's going, and so now must leave Washington forever and never return.

I'm not saying it's not unfortunate we don't have a younger, more articulate candidate in the race. I'm just recognizing that we don't, and am dealing with it.      

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