Monday, August 27, 2018

Tragically, there was another mass shooting/mass killing yesterday, this time in Jacksonville, Florida. Two killed, eleven wounded.  The perpetrator, a white male, killed himself at the scene.

White males are shooting up schools, churches, movie theaters, army bases, shopping malls, country music festivals, office parties - anywhere, it seems, that people get together in large groups. People are dying and the judicial system is backlogged with cases of white male lawlessness.  What the hell is going on with white males?

You know who's not shooting up places where people get together in large groups?  Black women, that's who!  I haven't heard of one single mass shooting that was perpetrated by a woman of color.

Therefore, I, Shokai, am calling for a complete ban on all white males from entering this country until we can figure out what the hell is going on.

Meanwhile, we should put women of color in charge of things for a change and see if the situation doesn't cool off a little.  That's part of the reason that I, Shokai, will vote for Stacy Abrams, a black woman, for the next governor of Georgia.  If I see any other women of color on the ballot, I'll be voting for their black asses, too.

I recognize the fact that I myself am a white male.  Thus said, my first word of advice is to watch out for me, you may want to cross the street or duck and cover if you see me walking your way  Second of all, there's no irony in my call for a ban on white males from entering the country - if we caucasians males want to be considered a part of the community, we have to start policing ourselves and our own community first.  After all, it's our responsibility . . .    

See how ridiculous all that sounds?  Except the part about voting for Stacy Abrams, wno unironically should be the next governor of Georgia.  But that's exactly the type of language being employed on the far right for immigrants of color, for Muslim immigrants, for anyone who's not - wait for it - a white male.  

I've got an idea - let's stop finding groups of people to scapegoat and instead roll up our sleeves and start solving some of our real problems, including passing sensible gun-control measures and dealing with economic inequality, opioid addiction, and systemic racism.  Just as a change of pace.  Just to see if something else might work for once.  

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