Thursday, September 15, 2011

So there, see?  Instead of tossing and turning all night worried about having my hours cut at work and experiencing anxiety over the possible implications, I told myself that this too shall pass and slept like a rock. This morning, I had a meeting with a client, the outcome of which is I have to prepare a report that will take about 30 days to complete, so I have enough work for now to avoid even a temporary lay-off.  

I was able to drive the wolf away from the door for at least a month.  Of course, there are still wolves out there, but something else will come along and even if it doesn't, that "nothing else coming" will itself be the next thing to come along.

So I might as well just enjoy the ride.

Recently, the ex-Aussie rock band Sherlock's Daughter posted the following helpful advice on their web site:
Some days are harder than others. What to do in those days?
Hot shower.
Good Food.
Turn off phone.
Turn off computer.
Read a good book, let the mind re-set itself.
That’s what I say.
I couldn't agree more, but would add, "Sit. Just sit."

Finally, for those of you keeping score at home, I've posted the second batch of Bumbershoot pics over at the Live site.

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