Wednesday, September 14, 2011

I'm quite certain that by this point, everyone's seen quite enough of my concert pictures from last week.  For those of you who for some inexplicable reason want to see more pictures of bands you've probably never heard of, or want to see higher resolution pictures than the cell-phone pictures that I've been posting here, I've started posting the camera shots over on the Live Site.  So far, I've only put up the first day - I could see this is going to take some time.

Time, as it turns out, may be something I will have in greater quantity soon.  Upon returning from my vacation, my boss told me to go ahead and take some more time off.  With the slow economy, there's not enough work to justify my presence, so I've been encouraged to use my remaining vacation time until things pick up.  If they don't pick up by the time I use my remaining benefit, I can take leave without pay until they do.

Fortunately, though, for right now there is a greater backlog of work for me than my boss has realized, and I'll probably be working at least through the end of this week before I start taking the mandatory vacation time.  For the past several decades, through several previous recessions, work of some sort or another has always managed to find me, and I have no reason to believe that things are that different now.  However, as people around the world are making all kinds of financial and other sacrifices, I will soon likely have the opportunity to share in some of the pain, or at the very least, the anxiety.  But this too shall pass, as all things eventually do, and meanwhile I get a chance to share in a unique part of the American and global experience.

This should be fun.

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