Wednesday, February 09, 2011

I've come down with the flu again. It feels milder than the form that seemed to want to kill me back in 2005, but it was still enough to send me home from work (I hand delivered a couple of reports to some Midtown attorneys on my way home so as not to feel totally worthless).

Life is the most wonderful thing you'll ever have, or to put it another way, you'll never experience anything more wonderful than your own life. But it's easier to remember how wonderful things are when every joint and muscle in your body isn't aching with pain and you're shivering with fever.

When good things happen, I want to think, "I deserve this," but when I come down with the flu, I tend to think, "That's not fair! I got the flu shot last November!"

Flowers, while cherished, fade, and weeds, while despised, flourish.

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