Everything is unique, nothing happens more than once in a lifetime. The physical pleasure which a certain woman gave you at a certain moment, the exquisite dish which you ate on a certain day - you will never meet either again. Nothing is repeated, and everything is unparalleled.
- The Goncourt Brothers
Geez, Shokai. Don't be so dramatic. You can keep posting whatever you want, at whatever frequency you want, whether it's reports on the beltway thing, or weird pictures of girls with their nipples showing, or boring reports of how you ran some Zen event. We love you, so calm down and relax. You don't have to shut down your blog with such an overblown flourish, or engage in such elaborate introspection. Sometimes you make us wonder if you are really such a Zen master after all!!
I hope you do continue to post - it has been a great way to keep in touch. But if not, that's fine too. Whatever works for you. I know where to find you anyway!
Perhaps the blog is undergoing a particularly low key kind of reincarnation. I acutually liked the ghostly image of a person sitting in meditation too, but this makes a circle.
By coincidence, after I read this last post, I went to the archives and read post number 1, uh, that is, the first post, not this post titled "1". Either we have similar instincts or that is just a habbit...or I can amuse myself with speculations about hit counters but that is poor meditating.
There is three years worth of material here and plenty of it is informative to those who wander in off the information super highway an into the virtual zendo.
Everything is unique on the outside so we cling to patterns, search for rules, to make meaning and see a way through a trackless forest of experience.
We can escape uniqueness by studying the mirror until it is visible in its own right and finally, for an instant, a separate thing from all the clamor it was reflecting. Separate and almost nothing.
a word of guidance to anyone who has stumbled on this blog [provided by a frequent reader who found much rewarding stuff here:
Shokai is a man of his word. He had quite a few of them before he'd had enough.
this was the begining of the end. Fortunately, he has decided to leave up the posts. There is interesting stuff all through so just start in at may 2004 and see what you learn.
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