Sunday, May 14, 2006

Happy Mothers Day

I spoke today at my friend's church up in East Cobb. They have an "adult Sunday school" after the regular service, and have been bringing in several guest speakers from other religions for, I guess, comparative purposes.

I didn't really know what they wanted to hear, or how long I was to talk for, so I went in unscripted (except, of course, yesterday's blog preparation). Turns out that was the right call.

I spoke about the fundamentals - the Buddha's life and enlightenment, the four Noble Truths, the Eight-Fold Path and the precepts. I briefly discussed the spread of Buddhism across the world and the various forms the practice has taken. I even gave them the briefest meditation guidance for all of 10 breaths.

I spent the afternoon clipping back the ivy that was growing over the retaining wall behind my house, and when I finished I decided that I liked the way it looked before more.

It'll grow back.

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