Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Well, last Sunday, I somehow (amazingly, miraculously) summoned the energy to get out of my sickbed at the Fairmont Hotel, pack my bags, check out, take the SuperShuttle to the airport and fly back home to Atlanta. Although the aches and pains of the flu were still with me, mercifully the chills weren't and I managed to make it home pretty much without incident. Delta originally had me seated in a middle seat, but I complained and they moved me to an aisle (bless them).

This week, I worked 3 or 4 hours on Monday, and rested the remainder of the time, and didn't even go in on Tuesday. L. came over and brought me some food and groceries Tuesday night, but otherwise didn't stay long out of fear of coming back down with the flu that took her three weeks to shake.

I did manage to open the zendo on my usual Monday night, but I avoided shaking hands with anyone so as not to spread this illness any further. We had three newcomers and I attempted, in raspy voice, to give them meditation instruction and lead a short dharma discussion afterwards.

Spring has come to the ATL in full force, and I just want to get healthy and back on with my life.

1 comment:

Mumon K said...

Welcome back sort of...