Friday, November 05, 2021

The Fifth of November

Today is the Fifth of November.  It is the day for mind as an abode of mindfulness, for with it we reflect that mind is like a phantom.

On this day in 1605, Guy Fawkes was arrested for doing, I don't know, something Catholic?  Whatever it was, he failed at it and was tortured and then executed on January 31, 1606. Impermanence is swift.

The decrease in the average number of new covid cases per day observed in Georgia last September and October has stalled out at around 1,000 cases per day.  That's well below the August 31 peak of 9,244 cases per day, but still above anything observed before June 21, 2020.  We were also below 1,000 cases per day between May 10 and July 19, 2021.

Some constant level of new infections seems like it will become the new normal.  We've come to accept the risk and learned to live with it, just like we've come to accept morbid obesity, heart disease, and diabetes.  This thing ain't going away, at least here in Georgia - hell, right now Georgia has the country's highest rate of AIDS/HIV transmission. If we can't be bothered to get rid of that, there's no way we're getting rid of the covids. We'll go on with some people wearing masks and some people not, and some people getting vaxxed and some others not.

Same thing with climate change - even while the COP26 meeting is continuing in Glasgow, people seems to be resigned that there's really nothing practical that can be done. (Fewer gasoline-powered cars? Don't be ridiculous!) More effort is being made right now to devise means to live with the new, extreme weather than to try to mitigate the problem.  

As evidence, about $110 billion of Congress' Infrastructure Bill is directed toward roads and bridges, shoring up the nation’s highways and other infrastructure to withstand the toll of climate change.  But the investment in actually combatting climate change falls fall short of the Biden administration’s goals. Dollars for cure, pennies for prevention.

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