Thursday, March 26, 2020

Day 3

Shelter-In-Place Involuntary Quarantine, Day 3: Oh, no!  Not tested yet because so few test kits are available, but my daughter Britney has headaches, general fatigue, and is coughing up blood.  No fever, though.  She's almost sure it's coronavirus, and she works for CDC so she should know.

My friend Nick here in Atlanta reports headaches, general fatigue, respiratory congestion, no appetite, and nausea.  His wife felt the same way for a day or two, but recovered - he's still sick, though.  I don't really know all that many people, but just yesterday I learn that two of the few that I do know are probably covid positive.

Is this really the part when we all die?

Another perfect spring day today here in Atlanta, another walk on the Beltline.  3.3 miles today, 3.1 miles yesterday.  Walking helps relieve the tension and stress, and it's good to get a little exercise.

Today, in a normal world, I would be in Knoxville by now for the first day of the Big Ears festival. At this hour, about 8 p.m., I would have already seen Terry Riley's solo organ set at St. John's Cathedral by now and would be halfway through Patti Smith's Words & Music set.  But the festival was cancelled, like almost everything else these days.  I was able to get the cost of my four-day, full-access, VIP pass refunded, although I prepaid for my hotel stay and Live Wire is basically saying, "Tough luck, it was a non-refundable rate."  

And now, your moment of Zen:

"Is it me the raven  calls
From the world of shadows
This vernal morning?"
- Shukabo (died at the age of 58 in 1775)

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