Monday, December 02, 2019

I didn't retire because I wanted to have places to be at 8 a.m., but there I was, in the dentist's chair, getting an emergency procedure to repair a chipped front tooth.

I also wasn't expecting an almost 90-minute procedure.  

It turned out to be worth the effort, though. The chip is repaired, at least for now, with a temporary crown, so at least I'm past that meth-head/goalie appearance.  But while I was there, we went ahead and fixed a few other things too and right now my teeth look better than they ever have.  Literally, ever in my life.  

I'm pleased with the results, and grateful to the dentist to rearrange his other patients' schedules to take me in and to go that extra mile to give me the results that I got today.

Belated gratitude for Thanksgiving.  Also, an early Christmas - I took advantage of some of the on-line Cyber Monday sales and bought myself not one, not two, but five - count them, five - new video games today for less than the typical cost of one new release.  

No, they're not brand new games, certainly not new releases, but they're new to me as I haven't played them yet.

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