Sunday, September 29, 2019

NW Beltline Trail Through Tanyard Creek Park

It's not all fun and games here in retirementland.  I can't spend all day shouting at our so-called "president" on television, playing video games on my computer (when it's working), binge-watching Netflix, and trolling on Reddit.

The body needs exercise, and fortunately I live near a well-maintained multi-use trail (hiking, jogging, biking, etc.).  It's a small, disconnected part of the Atlanta Beltline, but I can get a three-mile walk in every day, as measured round-trip from my front door.

Three miles isn't a terribly long walk, but I can definitely break a sweat due to the lingering summer heat (after a brief cool spell, late September temperatures are still well up into the 90s every day).

The trail is varied enough to keep the walk interesting, and I can plug some earbuds into my old iPod and listen to different music each day to keep it varied.  

Here's some random scenes from along the trail.

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