Thursday, August 29, 2019

Posting to Twitter about our so-called "president" proposing to open Alaska's Tongass National Forest to logging and to scale back EPA rules on methane emissions, Vermont Senator and Presidential candidate Bernie Sanders wrote: 
The Amazon is being destroyed. So Trump opens America's largest rainforest, Tongass National Forest, to logging and mining.   
Methane emissions surge worldwide. Trump's EPA will make them grow faster.  
The president and his billionaire friends are a threat to our entire planet.
What the good senator forgot to include is that the Amazon is being destroyed because of the trade war with China that our "president" started.  Tariffs on American soybeans are not only hurting American farmers, but China is turning to the world's second-largest soybean grower, Brazil, to meet it's demand for produce.  Brazil, in response, is increasing soybean production, resulting in slash-and-burn clearing of Amazonian rain forest to create more farmland for soybean growing.

Pop quiz: what's the difference between a soybean and a chickpea?

Answer: The "president" never had a soybean on his face.

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