Friday, August 30, 2019

Back on Friday, August 16, I finally completed Far Cry 5.  It was fun, although the ending was darker than I had expected.  To be honest, the dark ending was kind of unsatisfying after all of the hours I put into the game and that epic boss fight at the end. The ending might have made a good plot twist for a Shirley Jackson-type short story or an episode of The Twilight Zone (I know, I'm showing my age) but you play video games for the endorphin release of winning a challenge, not for realizing that despite all of your efforts, you're still existentially doomed. I'm tying real hard not to reveal any spoilers here, so let's suffice it to say that the game was actually pretty good, but marred by the depressing last two minutes.

After completing the game, I briefly went back to playing Metal Gear Solid V.  Still can't complete Mission 16, although I got closer than in any of my previous attempts, killing three of the four supernatural beings guarding a truck I'm supposed to jack.  But like before, the fourth one killed me first so I died while in mission for like the umpteenth time, so I shut the game down like before and went looking for something new to play.

I wanted something fun and something that I knew I would be good at, so I went back to Assassin's Creed Odyssey and played through the First Blade DLC.  At this point, I have Cassandra fully upgraded and capable, and after re-learning how to use the commands for the game (which button do you use for breaking shields again?), at Level 73 she's pretty much unstoppable.  I was able to power her through the three episodes of the DLC in under two weeks.

Which means I'm back to wondering again what game to play next.  Meanwhile, Ubisoft, the publisher of the Far Cry and Assassin's Creed games, must have noticed that I've purchased a lot of their titles over the past year or so, as they've started sending me promos for discounted games, some even for free.  I've downloaded the game For Honor, even though that fighting game doesn't look like my kind of thing - but for free, I'll give it a chance.  But before wading into that, Ubisoft also gave away the first episode of the second Assassin's Creed Odyssey DLC, The Fate of Atlantis.  That's an easy, no-brainer transition after finishing the First Blade DLC, so as soon as I'm done posting this, it's back to Ancient Greece and AC Odyssey for the Atlantis expansion.

I knew retirement would be fun as long as my hardware remains up to spec for the current games and my high-speed internet connection stays on line.

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