Thursday, March 13, 2025


The Silent Guest, 73rd and Last Day of Childwinter, 525 M.E. (Atlas): I got my test results back from Tuesday's doctor visit, and apparently I'm healthy. Fuck, death might have been the only way out of this Trumpian horror show in amerika.

My glucose level, which had been a high 179 mg/dL a year ago, is  now a low 53 mg/dL. I attribute the drop to my low-sugar, low-carb, low-fat diet of the past year. Similarly, my A1C fell from a prediabetic 6% a year ago down to a "normal" 5%. I don't have diabetes!

Also, a side benefit of that diet is my weight has gone down from 220 to 167 pounds, a 53-pound loss in a year. Actually most of the loss occurred over a seven-month period between last April and November.

Finally, I also had my PSA screening done, and my PSA came in at 0.78 ng/mL, the low end of normal. So I don't have prostate cancer either. Fuck! Is there no winning?    

I may have to take up cigarettes and heroin to escape Trump.  

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