Wednesday, August 07, 2024

Day of the Mantle

For some reason, I watched the 1976 Robert Altman movie Buffalo Bill and the Indians, or Sitting Bull's History Lesson today. It starred Paul Newman in the title role and that guy from Cuckoo's Nest as Sitting Bull's assistant, but it wasn't very good. I found it rather disappointing. If you want to see a satirical deconstruction of Custer and American West mythology, I would suggest instead Irving Penn's 1970 Little Big Man with Dustin Hoffman.

I also watched a 2010 documentary film called Eno: The Man Who Fell to Earth. An unauthorized biography, it focused solely of Eno's work during the groundbreaking years of 1971-1977. I'm quite familiar with that period and have at one point or another owned every one of the albums discussed in the film, but still found it an enjoyable and thoughtful film. At 2½ hours, it's arguably for fans only, but it ever seemed to drag for me. It made up for my disappointment in the first film.

How was your day?


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