Thursday, July 18, 2024

Master of the Relics


It's over. America, that is.

The radical far-right Christian Nationalist fascists have control of the courts. No matter what happens in the upcoming election, no matter who runs, Republican senators will balk at certifying results they don't like, and news outlets will cover accusations of "widespread voter fraud" (even if the accusations are baseless), and the results of key swing states will be litigated. The corrupt, cynical, and compromised Supreme Court will ultimately anoint the Republican candidate as our new ruler, and that will be that for American democracy.

Sycophants at the on-going Republican National Convention are praising Trump, claiming he's foregoing the life of leisure and comfort his wealth would allow him in order to help rebuild America and make this country great again. That's pure horseshit. First, American doesn't need the kind of rebuilding they have in mind, and second, Trump doesn't give a good goddamn about anything other than himself. He's not running due to patriotism or sense of duty - he's running to avoid his legal and financial woes, and because his ego can't accept anything less than being the King.

His minions, supporters and enablers - and the puppet masters pulling the strings behind the scenes - are having him run not because they care or even particularly like Trump. They're supporting him to remove the last vestiges of any regulatory control over their own obscene accumulation of wealth. They will dismantle regulatory agencies like the EPA, the FDA, and the FTC. They will "privatize" agencies like NOAA, FEMA, and the Department of Education. They will neuter the enforcement capabilities of the FBI and DOJ. 

Don't believe me? Think I'm being paranoid and pessimistically speculating? It's what they're openly saying, and it's all documented in their playbook, Project 2025.     

I'm 70 years old. I've got maybe 10 good years left, possibly less. Almost certainly less if they take away my Social Security (which I involuntarily paid into for 50 years of my life) and Medicare benefits. I won't be around for long to be the grist in their mill, another serf working for the benefit of a ruling class. 

It's the children I pity . . . 

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