Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Day of the Heart's Release


Why do I keep blogging about my diet and walking routine? What am I, boring or something?

Well, yes, I am in fact boring. But the reason I keep writing about the miles and frequency of my walks is because that's part of what keeps me motivated to continue. And continuing is lowering by blood pressure, taking off weight, and fighting my diagnosed prediabetes.

But continuation is becoming a challenge. After a long drought through most of June, we've entered a rainy spell. Monday, I had to cut my walk short after four miles and got back home just as a severe thunderstorm was minutes away from breaking. The forecast for each of the next 10 days is a 30-50% chance of rain.

Today, I was getting ready to head out, but the forecast suddenly said rain in the next hour (my routine takes about two hours). I changed my mind and decided to wait it out until after the rain, but then, even as I was writing this, the forecast changed again and now just says "partly cloudy," so I gotta go before they change their minds again.

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