So this is how it goes - I wake up in the middle of the night unable to get back to sleep. My mind starts to dictate an essay, my own thoughts read aloud to me by my conscious mind. There are some great ideas that I come up with at around 3:30 a.m., or so it seems at the time, and I resolve to record them here in the pages of Water Dissolves Water.
The problem is that some of my best ideas were already written down and sent off in my daily early-morning email to my Mom. By the time I finally get around to sitting here to compose my daily blog post, I don't really want to rehash what I'd already written in the morning, and for some reason, cutting-and-pasting my morning email to recycle the contents feels like cheating.
Worse, by the time I settle in and look at the blank composition screen of this blog, whatever brilliant insights I thought I had at 3:30 a.m. have suddenly vanished. Or worse even still, don't appear as brilliant in the harsh light of day. Or they're so long and convoluted, it would take me hours to write it all down, and even then the words probably wouldn't properly convey what I was trying to say. "Well, write something," I tell myself. "Anything."
But nothing comes to mind and I wind up posting some random picture, cartoon, or meme merely for completeness' sake, so that I can say I posted "something" that day.
Sorry, dear reader, that you had to be the recipient of my mindlessness.
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