Thursday, November 19, 2020

The Harder They Fall


Remember when Donald Trump was seriously proposing that he should be added to Mount Rushmore?

Remember when he was expecting a Nobel Peace Prize?

Remember when he was expecting a second term?

All of that is pretty funny, especially in retrospective, but I also remember when a quarter-million Americans, now dead from the covids, were alive.

I remember when America was internationally respected, even envied, as a great bastion of freedom and liberty.

I remember when an American passport allowed you to travel the world and not merely identify you as a high-risk subject needing quarantine.

It's one thing not to concede an election.  Okay, he's an asshole - we've always known that.  But not allowing security briefings to the incoming President, not including him in the Coronavirus Task Force planning (such as it is) on how we're going to get a much-needed vaccine distributed to the American people, is another thing.  It puts all our lives in danger.  It's reckless and irresponsible.  It's not the act of a sane man ("I'm a very stable genius") - it's the desperate acting out of a malignant narcissist who's going to make everyone suffer over his pain of rejection.  

If, in his derangement and delusion, our so-called "president" is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, the 25th Amendment to the Constitution should be invoked and the powers be transferred to the vice president until January's inauguration.

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