Friday, July 03, 2020

Day 102

Just when we think it couldn't get any worse, just when we think it couldn't get more corrupt, just when we think it couldn't get any more treasonous, we learn that Russia has been paying the Taliban bounties for the killing of U.S. troops.  And our so-called "president's" response?  First  say that he wasn't informed about it, and then say he was informed in writing (only nerds read) but no one took the time to read it out loud for him, and then say that he knew after all but doesn't believe it (Putin denies it and after all, why would Putin lie if Russia had done it?).

DEspite all this, he invites Putin to Washington.  He insists to other world leaders that Russia should join the Group of Seven.  He says he's pulling American troops out of Germany, something Russia has wanted for decades.

We're the only nation that can't seem to beat the coronavirus pandemic, and after most nations have got some semblance of control over the matter, it is still getting worse here in America.  The nation is seething with racial unrest and police brutality, and our so-called "president" just fans the fires, tweeting videos of white supremacists and images of hate.  He can't find any point of agreement with the protesters or any sympathy for their complaints - he can only threaten military action and claim he has "the most vicious dogs" at his disposal.  America had gone from being a world leader to a laughing stock due to him, and now we're just an object of pity.

It's so frustrating that we have to wait until November to vote his fat ass out of the White House.   


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