Friday, February 14, 2020


I woke up this morning with the sun streaming into the bedroom and onto my pillow.  What a glorious feeling!  Sun!

Cold?  You bet!  But dude, the sun!  No rain, not even any clouds.  I can't express how much better that had me feeling.

Whatever problems I had this week seemed somehow more manageable.  Nothing I can't handle - roof, condo, taxes, old age, even eventual death.  Just stop with the incessant downpour already!

The sun has already set as I write this, but it's forecast to be clear and sunny again tomorrow.  After that, the forecast keeps changing, but it basically consists of five to six days that will range from cloudy and overcast to rain and thunderstorms. Most likely, I'm in for at least another four days of rain, but at least I have these two sweet days of sunshine and a new roof on its way.

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