Thursday, February 27, 2020

Roof Day!

It's said that one way to think of the difference between the Western mind and the Asian mind is to consider a room.  To the Western mind, a room is defined by four walls that meet at corners.  To the Asian mind, a room is defined by four corners connected by walls.

After my recent experiences, I've come to think a room is defined by the roof over it, not the walls around it. 

Which is to say that my roof is finally getting replaced today.  The crew showed up at 7:15 a.m. (naturally while I was in the shower) and worked all day until at least 7:15 at night.  They're still not finished and will be back again tomorrow morning. 

One of the reasons that it took them so long is that I apparently had three roofs.  I had a hard time understanding that concept initially, until it was explained to me that previous owners must have chosen not to remove the old roof when performing upgrades but just put a new roof on top of the old one without carting away the old material.  I had some shingles replaced a couple years ago and the contractors described it to me then as "patches on top of patches," but not three complete roofs.  Naturally, it took them more time to remove all three layers and my price increased slightly due to the additional disposal costs.

Weather throughout the day was clear and sunny, but cold (30° F).  The weather's forecast to remain clear through the weekend, but then starting Monday of next week, we're getting another four straight days of rain again.  But now, with the new roof up above my home, I can endure the rain with less anxiety.  

For the record, the cats didn't like the banging and pounding up on the roof all day.  Not one bit.

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