Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Peace of Mind

Finally lighting a candle instead of cursing the darkness, I reached out to some roofing contractors today.

Day Three of the Four Days of Rain hardly seemed a worthy contender at all.  For starters, it didn't rain and the sun actually came out this afternoon and I got to take my Beltline walk for the first time this month. But heavy rain is forecast for late tonight and well into tomorrow morning.

Yesterday, I used the Nextdoor app to ask my neighbors if they knew of any good roofing contractors.  I got several responses, including two separate and enthusiastic thumbs up for one in particular. I'm waiting on bids from three of the contractors, but the one that was highly recommended took the extra step of stopping by this afternoon and he got up on the roof, quickly identified the source of the leak (a loose nail in one shingle), and sealed it up with silicone.  He had blue tarp with him to cover it if needed, but be was confident that the silicone will keep the water out until I get him or some other contractor to replace the roof.

No charge for his service today.  No wonder he was so highly recommended.

So the process has begun and soon I'll be the proud owner of a new roof over this pile of bricks up on a hill. But the best part is the peace of mind I feel now that someone who knows more about roofs than I do looked at mine and did something to fix the problem.  There's still falling trees and power losses to consider, nothing I can do there, but at least now I don't have to worry about leaks in the house or the smell of mildew.

I never knew I could get so much peace of mind from just a couple dabs of silicone caulk.

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