Friday, February 21, 2020

Callooh! Callay! Oh, frabjous day! The rain had stopped by dawn today!

As forecast, it rained well into the night but by the time I got up this morning, the sun was out and blue could be seen in the sky.  What's more, it didn't snow although as I predicted, some chowderhead ran his car into a power pole anyway, apparently while trying to evade the police.  It knocked power out, but fortunately this was in Cabbagetown and didn't affect me here.

I was even able to take my walk on the Northeast Beltline trail today.

It's supposed to be even clearer tomorrow and then only partially cloudy on Sunday  Three more days of rain are scheduled again for Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, but then after that, they're forecasting at least four days of alternating sunshine and partial clouds.  It's the first four days of non-rain in the forecast for as far back as I can remember.   

The Taoists say, “The way of water is to ascend to the sky, forming rain and dew, and to descend to the earth, forming rivers and streams.” I would add that the Tao of water is also to enter my kitchen, through taps and faucets on some days and by sneaking in beneath the back door on others.  

To put it in modern scientific terms, my goal is to extricate my kitchen from the hydrologic cycle.

To express it as New Age, psycho-metaphysics, I am trying to achieve a state where the only interaction between the natural hydrologic cycle of water and the anthropogenic micro-biome that I've come to think of as "my kitchen" is in accordance with my own volition.

I'll let you know how it goes.

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