Monday, October 29, 2018

According to reports, shortly before he went on a murderous rampage at a synagogue in Pittsburgh, the perpetrator of that heinous crime posted a message on social media stating, "HIAS like to bring invaders in that kill our people.  I can't sit by and watch my people get slaughtered.  Screw your optics, I'm going in."  Established in 1881 as the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society to aid Jewish refugees, HIAS is now a nonprofit that provides humanitarian aid and assistance to all refugees.

As twisted and perverted as the killer's logic was, his fear of "the invaders" was no doubt stoked by right-wing fear-mongering and conspiracy theories about a caravan of refuges trying to make it from Honduras to the United States for asylum.  Our so-called President has made fear of the caravan one of the main talking points of his stump speeches and pointless rallies, he's called them "invaders" and has called out the National Guard to meet them at the border, and again there's no doubt that his words have contributed to those rumors and conspiracy theories and to the killer's motives.  The blood is on your tiny hands Mr. President, and you can't wash it off or make us forget it's there with your distractions or by doubling down on trying to frighten us with your scary refugee stories.

Today, another suspect explosive device was discovered, this time at CNN headquarters here in Atlanta.  Meanwhile, instead of trying to heal the nation and soothe the divides, our so-called President went to Twitter to blame the media for the anger and hatred across America.  In essence, even as the media is under violent attack, he chooses to highlight the target he's drawn on "the enemy of the people," which can only lead to more violence.

In his acceptance speech for his nomination, our so-called President catalogued all or the real and perceived threats to our country, and then claimed "I alone can fix it."  Mr. President, we're now two years into your Presidency, half-way through your first (and only) term, and you not only haven't fixed it, you've made it worse.  You're either bad at your job (a very likely possibility) or you don't care, or both.  It' time to set you aside, sir, so we can start making America better.      

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