Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Meanwhile, Back In Fantasyland . . .

What with the Labor Day weekend coming down hard upon us, we've finished playing Dishonored 2 and have started on Dishonored: Death of the Outsider.

It took us 34 hours to play through 2, eight less than the original Dishonored (even though it felt longer).  One thing we've noticed is that we tend to rush through each chapter, especially once we get to about the half-way mark, but if we slow down a little, there's a lot of little things still left to be explored.  We tried to take it slow at the start of Death of the Outsider, but still managed to blaze through the opening chapter in a mere 5 hours.

The reason we sound like we're obsessed with time is that starting on July 28, our plan was to spend the rest of the year playing through the entire Dishonored trilogy.  When it quickly became evident that plan was unrealistic, we settled for making it last at least through the Labor Day weekend. As of right now, we're looking good on that revised schedule.

Alert readers may recall that back in July, we played through a little bit of Outsider while the other games were still downloading.  The preview didn't spoil anything for us, but boy howdy were we ever wrong about who some of the characters were, at least in relation to each other.  The woman above, a playable character in The Outsider, certainly wasn't who we thought she was throughout most of 2, and (minor spoiler ahead) was someone we had killed off (or thought we had killed off) in one of the DLCs for the original.  But, hey, her voice actor is Rosario Dawson so we're glad she's back, as well as the Michael Madsen character (who we're sure we've killed before).  Fantasy doesn't always have to make linear sense.

So that's what's going on here at the Game Desk.  The Sports Desk is pretty stoked about college football starting up this weekend, and the Music Desk is glad that we've finally got a good slate of shows coming up (see sidebar listing of  "Upcoming Shows").  The Politics Desk is trying not to get their hopes too high for the upcoming election, the Blue Wave, and President Pumpernickel's legal problems.  Meanwhile, the Zen Desk still hasn't spoken a word out loud in 17 years.

Finally, do you like our new look?


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