Wednesday, May 09, 2018

On Crowd Surfing (Part Two)

Okay, I know we covered a lot of ground yesterday, but please allow me to repeat myself more simply and in more of my own words.

Scientists tell us that the human mind has an affinity for group behavior, and sometimes, in that group, we can lose our sense of individual self identity and transcend to something larger.

Physical effort and repetitive motions can help trigger that "hive mentality."

I think a rock audience qualifies as a "group," and the shared communal experience of enjoying the music bonds the listener with the rest of the audience.  Repetitive motions of dancing, slamming into those around you, and surging with the flow of the crowd all heighten the sensation of hive mentality.

With crowd surfing, a person or persons is physically lifted and passed hand over hand over the heads of the rest of the audience.  More than just a metaphor for transcending the mundane, everyday life, the action I believe can literally transport the surfer, as well as those lifting the surfer, temporarily into a realm which can be called "divine."

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