Saturday, January 13, 2018

Even though absolutely no one is wondering, I'll announce the game I've decided to take up after I've nearly (but still not completely) exhausted Witcher 3.  

I've decided to return to the Fallout franchise, not by re-playing Fallout 4 for the third time through, but by going back to the previous installment of the franchise and playing Fallout: New Vegas.

New Vegas was released in 2010, and seven years is an eternity in video game time.  The game plays fine on Windows 10, but after Fallout 4, some aspects of the game's technique and style feel a little antiquated and even quaint, but my fondness for the sequel allows me to tolerate the perceived shortcomings of the predecessor. 

As the title suggests, New Vegas is set in a post-apocalyptic Las Vegas, and while playing Fallout 4 in a nuclear annihilated Boston held more emotional resonance for me personally, the amalgam of science fiction and classic western motifs in New Vegas is amusing. 

Also, there's a LOT of content to New Vegas, and it's probably even less linear and more open-world that Fallout 4.  In other words, despite it's technical "limitations" (limits being defined here merely by innovations that came later), the game has the full potential to be the time-consuming, all-encompassing diversion I was looking for.  

I'll put it this way:  I just downloaded it last Tuesday night, and I've already played for 29 hours, while still  working at a full-time job in my so-called "real life."  

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