Saturday, November 04, 2017


I've gotten a good deal of the way through Wolfenstein already, even playing at only a few hours per day and at my own slow rate of play (I get killed in-game a lot).  I was told it was a fast play-through.

Best of all, though, I got to ride the game version of Liesel, called a Panzerhund, through the streets of New Orleans, immolating and trampelling scores of Nazi soldiers and robots.  It's more fun than it sounds like (more fun than it really should be, considering all the death you're causing).  But the game is basically all about the different ways you can kill Nazis. Guns, lasers, cannons, fire, fire axes, Panzerhunds, etc.   I've heard this game is really pissing off the alt-right - but to be honest, that just makes it even more fun.

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