Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas Post

Merry Christmas everyone. Peace on Earth and good will toward man.

For the past five years, The Killers have released an annual Christmas song. This year, proceeds from sales of the song on Amazon go to the (RED) Global Fund, and their song and its accompanying video address many holiday and other issues, including the current financial meltdown. Fittingly, the video takes place in Las Vegas, what with its skyrocketing foreclosure and unemployment rates is a virtual Ground Zero for the financial crisis and a statement in itself on so many of America's problems. The video also tells an interesting and uplifting story of personal redemption, and if you watch all the way through and you're not at least misty-eyed at the end, then I don't understand you at all - or at the very least you need more holiday spirit (or spirits - go and get yourself some more egg nog).

I can see my mother in the kitchen.
My father on the floor,
Watching television -
It's A Wonderful Life.
Cinnamon candles burning,
Snowball fights outside,
A smile below each nose and above each chin.
Stomp my boots before I go back in.
Of course, all of this Christmas music reminds me of pop songs of Christmases past, including The Waitresses' Christmas Wrapping.

Pretty impressive synchronization of holiday lights, but then there are those who feel that Christmas was just all-around better in the 80s.

Update (4:30 pm) - White Christmas: It's now snowing in Atlanta!

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