Wednesday, March 01, 2006


Jury Duty, Day Two: The investigation continues, and little by little the mystery unfolds and the facts begin to reveal themselves. Soon all will be apparent.

So far, I have determined that of the 12 jurors selected for this case, nine are female and three are male. Of the nine females, three are single and of eligible age.

I had lunch with one of the three today, the least likely of the candidates. However, it turns out that a. she's too young (29), and b. she's living with some guy. However, she was very cute and quite energetic.

That leaves the other two, both Delta Airline employees. One is a flight attendant (been there, done that), while the other is ground based.The flight attendant hasn't been sending out any signals, but I have caught the other one in eye contact several times as we were sitting in the jury box.

Closing arguments are tomorrow, so I only have about a half day remaining to make something happen here, if anything were to happen here. So the pressure's on.

Oh, yeah, and there seems to be some sort of trial thing going on as well.

1 comment:

Kathleen Callon said...

Just had to share something that happened a couple days ago... I have about twenty aunts and uncles (my parents are from large families and almost all, except a nun, have spouses). I live in CA, and they all live in New England. Haven't seen most of them in years.

Three nights ago I had a dream, OK, a nightmare about one of my mother's brothers not being able to find his wife in the dark. It really shook me. The next day I called my mom and we talked for a while. Before I let her off the phone, I told her I had to ask her something. I asked her how my uncle was.

She was quiet, and then she said, "I wasn't going to tell anyone, but last night his wife tried to kill herself." She had tried to overdose on sleeping pills.

When things like this happen, I know "spooky action" is real and wish to hell I could figure it out.

Hope you are well, glad your jury duty is over, and hope it's sunny where you are today.
