Sunday, October 30, 2005

Today, I wasted away the day.

I used the excuse of it being "Fall Back Day," the national holiday of getting an extra hour of sleep, to sleep in luxuriously, decadently late. Even accounting for the time change.

I brewed a pot of coffee and sipped away while catching up on back issues of The Economist. For a long time. I surfed the web. For a long time. I took a nap. For a long time.

I had planned on doing yard work (oh, boy, autumn leaf blowing!), but it didn't happen. I was going to shop for a new t.v., but it didn't happen. Hell, I was planning on at least shaving and showering, but that didn't even happen.

So did I waste a day, a day that I will never have back again? That depends, Clintonesquely, on what your definition of "I" is, what your definition of "waste" is, and what your definition of "day" is.

This sack of skin may not have accomplished much, but today leaves turned all pumpkin orange and chimney red. The earth spun completely on its axis - all the way around. Hurricane Beta made landfall on the Mosquito Coast. A dharma brother got up early and opened the zendo and led the morning services. Someone else drove somewhere and did something.

And that's accomplishing quite a lot.

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