Wednesday, November 13, 2019

ROM Watches All Six Hours of Impeachment Hearings So You Don't Have To

I watched for so long that frankly I don't even want to talk  about it any more, except to say that I learned after all these years that I've been pronouncing "Kiev" wrong.  The Russian pronunciation is "Key-EV," but in Ukranian, it's pronounced "Keev," and the way you say it demonstrates your affiliation in the transnational dispute.

Okay, I'll add this - the career diplomats who testified today, George Kent and William Taylor, are some pretty impressive individuals, and America's fortunate to have them in our service.  And so is Ukraine (also, now that they're independent and all, we no longer say "The  Ukraine," but simply "Ukraine" like any other free country).

I don't think the people on the opposite sides of this picture like each other very much - at least, they're probably not all going out to Buffalo Wild Wings after the hearings to watch a game together over a bucket of long necks.

The sun's already getting low in the Georgia afternoon sky and the Retired Old Man realizes he's just wasted away one of the remaining days of his life watching all this drama.  It's chilly out there and last night the temperatures dropped to the mid 20s. The ROM can't remember it ever getting this cold this early in the season before - we usually don't drop below freezing until January or late December at the earliest.  Leaves are still on the damned trees, but it's literally freezing out.  

Where's Jim Inhofe claiming the cold temperatures prove climate change is all one big hoax when you need him?

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