Friday, October 18, 2019

Uh Oh!

First Impression - Trump was right!  While we were all stuck in the linear thinking of this space-time continuum, Trump was playing precognitive three-dimensional chess with us and trying to warn us in advance that a future storm was going to strike Alabama.  But since all he had access to were primitive, September 2019 NOAA maps, he had to use a Sharpie to try and enlighten us as to the part of Alabama that would be in danger in October of 2019. If only we had listened!

Second Impression - The storm, Tropical Storm Nestor, will track south of Atlanta and the weatherman's saying that the worst impacts (e.g., possible tornadoes) will be on the east side of the track, but we'll still be hit by the rain.  The forecast is for 100% chance of rain here on Saturday from early morning until at least late tomorrow night.  With that much rainfall following a long period of drought, there's a good chance of branches falling from trees and of entire trees coming down, which generally results in power outages.

Third Impression - I stepped away after the Second Impression but now I'm back from the supermarket!  I bought a lot of different no-cooking-required meals in case I do lost power - a couple pre-made deli sandwiches,  a Caesar salad, two fruit salad bowls, cheese, crackers, bagels, bread, peanut butter, bananas, and chips.  Enough to survive on for 24- to 48-hours of blackout conditions, if necessary.

Fourth Impression - I need a new roof.  One of the benefits of the long Georgia drought is that I didn't have to think about it for the past four months, but with the weather patterns changing (we seem to lurch from prolonged droughts to prolonged flooding around here), I may not have the luxury of ignoring the roof much longer.

Fifth Impression - Something like this:

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