Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Gentle Hearts Tear Vulgar Castles Down

I'm sick.  Literally.  Not just sick of the appalling politics here in America and not just sick of the national and international carnage, but literally ill.  I don't think it's the flu, but just a very bad head cold.

I was so stuffed up last night I couldn't sleep.  I finally took some old Clarinex from an expired prescription (expired in August 2011) that I found in the back of a bathroom cabinet, and it helped.  Pseudoephedrine's a wonderful thing.  I don't condone taking medications past their expiration date, but I was that miserable.  It helped.

To be clear, I found the old expired medicine  in the back of my bathroom cabinet, not some random strangers's.

I feel a little bit better today, but please excuse me if I make this post short and go back to recuperating.

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