Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Just how desperate is Dumbledorf Pumpernickel these days?  After video surfaced of him and disgraced whatever-it-was-he-was Jeffrey Epstein at a party together, commenting on the women  in the room and laughing as they whispered asides to one another, he's now trying to make it sound like they never had anything in common, just happened to live in the same area code, and it's the Clintons, not him, who have close ties to Epstein.

He's even gone so far (and so low) as to retweet conspiracy theories that the Clintons were somehow complicit in Epstein's death, so as to focus public attention on an association between Epstein and them, and away from Epstein and him.

We're not falling for it.  This is President "Grab Them By the Pussy," and the two of them together (Epstein and Pumpernickel) looked like two giggling frat boys plotting their next date rape.

When the evidence is made public and the dockets are finally unsealed, this will be Pumpernickel's undoing.  

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