Friday, July 05, 2019

Dreaming of the Masters

We've been doing it wrong. 

As we peruse around the interwebs, we notice that some websites and message boards have specific days of the week set aside for posting and discussing vintage music.  Some have something they refer to as "Throwback Thursday," or TBT for short.  Others have "Old School Saturday."

Here at the WDW assemblage of desks, we've been posting the Dreaming of the Masters series on something we've been calling Old School Fridays, which doesn't exist anywhere else and frankly sounds like a misuse of the standard Old School Saturdays.   We've been doing it wrong.

We could change it up and start posting Dreaming of the Masters on Throwback Thursdays or Old School Saturdays, but we like doing this on Fridays, when frankly we don't have time to compose longer posts (it's easier to just throw up a vintage video, comment on it, and get on with our weekend). So we're not changing the day.

Let's start a new thing - we'll call it "Fall Back Friday" for the alliteration and frankly because it sounds better than "Old Fart's Friday," although frankly the acronym is better for the latter than the former.

Whew.  Got that out of the way.  What was that we were saying about no time to compose long posts on Fridays?  That may no longer be true now that we're ROM (retired old men).

Anyway, here's a vintage Sun Ra post.  This is from a 1988 tribute album for Disney Films that, in addition to Sun Ra, included contributions by Tom Waits, Bill Frisell, Michael Stipe, Suzanne Vega, Syd Straw, Sinéad O'Connor, Ringo Starr, and many others.  Also, the trippy animation for this segment of the film Dumbo was created in 1941, two years before the discovery of LSD, so enough already of the tired old canard about artists having to be "on something" to create anything different or unusual.

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