Saturday, April 27, 2019

On Friday, the director of the FBI warned about Russia's continued meddling in American elections. He called the meddling a significant counterintelligence threat and said that Russia's influence on the 2018 election was merely a rehearsal for 2020's presidential race.  Our so-called president has done nothing about Russia's interference; he's only repeated his refrain of "no collusion" on his part.  

Before she resigned, the Secretary of Homeland Security tried to focus the White House on preparing for new and different forms of Russian interference in the 2020 election.  She was told not to bring it up in front of our so-called president.

The redacted Mueller report demonstrates that our so-called president tried to wield the power of law enforcement to target a political rival, Hillary Clinton.  No president since Richard Nixon is known to have done this.  The  report also lays out clear evidence that our so-called President had repeatedly tried to impede and obstruct the investigation against him.  Our so-called president has declared the report a complete and total exoneration of him.

In short, our so-called president is abusing the power of his office to persecute his political rivals, and to obstruct investigations of his behavior.  He is taking absolutely no actions to protect our democracy from the clear and present danger of continued Russian interference, and has even gone so far as to take the word of Russia's president over the advice of his own intelligence agencies.  This is clearly dereliction of duty and obstruction of justice.

If congress were not to impeach him, it would send out a clear message that such behavior is acceptable and permitted, setting an extremely dangerous precedent for our democracy.  If congress were to impeach him and he gets acquitted, it would imply that his actions are legal and appropriate, an equally dangerous outcome.  

It's essential to the health and welfare of our republic that this man be impeached and that congress follows through and makes it stick.  Failure is not an option.

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