Saturday, April 20, 2019

Life Is Strange

After the 300-plus hour Odyssey that was Assassin's Creed, the Games Desk decided to change things up a little in their gameplay.  So instead of another open-world epic, we took it real slow and simple with the short (you can play through the whole game in less than 2 hours) and nostalgic Awesome Adventures of Captain Spirit, a prequel, apparently to Life Is Strange 2.  There are no weapons, no one gets killed, and there are no monsters - it's just a simple story of one boy on one Saturday morning somewhere in Oregon.  Gameplay never ventures beyond the house and backyard.

On a deeper level, it's a poignant meditation on loss and loneliness, and coming to terms with death - as the story progresses, it's revealed that the mother died a few years prior in a hit-and-run. Both father and son are deeply affected by a profound sense of loss, and they both deal with it in markedly different ways.  There are a few scenes that can literally bring tears to your eyes, and others that are quietly moving.  

Best part - the game is free.  Worst part - two hours later, we're wondering what we're going to play next.


Anonymous said...

Transistor is free on the Epic game store right now maybe you'd like that. They've been giving a new free game every couple weeks for awhile to promote their store. I'd be careful about actually buying games on there though because I've heard their security is pretty bad.

Shokai said...

I've been looking forward to the release of Outer Worlds on Epic (exclusive deal - no Steam for a year). Are you saying it's not safe to DL Outer Worlds from Epic when it finally drops?