Thursday, April 04, 2019

DBUK, DFTLS and Norman Westberg at The Earl, Atlanta, April 3, 2019

No time for looking back, gotta run, but here's a quick rundown and recap of who we saw play at The Earl last night:


An avant-garde institution who've been providing outer space ambiance to Atlanta for several years now.  They're exactly what their name says - a duo playing a theremin and a lap steel guitar, both instruments heavily processed and distorted.  You know it's going to be a great show when DFTLS open, and last night was no exception.


The ex-Swans guitarist doing solo experimental stuff on electric guitar, heavily processed and distorted.  An iconic rock legend, on stage alone, blowing the collective minds of the small audience at The Earl.


DBUK (or Denver Broncos UK) is a side project of members of Slim Cessna's Auto Club that performs dark, gothic Americana punk.  They played some truly great stuff last night, including murder ballads and some ghost-story songs, and covered most of the songs from their two LPs, Songs One Through Eight and Songs Nine Through Sixteen.  It's a shame that only about 15 to 20 or so people from the City of Atlanta bothered to make it to one of the best shows of the year.  They missed out . . . 

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