Thursday, February 14, 2019

The Video Game Desk won the week.

Since downloading the Assassin's Creed game Odyssey on Friday night, we've managed to play for over 20 hours.  That's mostly all on weeknights after work, 3 or 4 hours an evening, after a binge on Saturday (we didn't play on Sunday).

Meanwhile, our Netflix series have gone unwatched, T.C. Boyle's book is gathering dust at Chapter 10 on the night table, and we're sure that someone went to see the band Eyelids last night at 529 but it sure wasn't us.  

We were home playing Odyssey.

So, the VG Desk won and to be honest, we're all enjoying the game.  It's massive, a huge game, and we were a full 9 hours in before the big, cinematic opening title even rolled.  Twenty hours and we're still only at Level 12.  On-line sources say the main storyline takes anywhere from 35 to 50 hours to run through, but that's without any side quests (and there are a lot of those) and doesn't factor in that we're klutzes and keep dying in game and have to run through some quests two or three times before we complete them.  We wouldn't be at all surprised to spend 200 hours before we're through, but that remains to be seen.

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