Saturday, January 05, 2019


The Unsellable Condo in Vinings is a disaster area right now.  The previous tenants, after 10 years living there, left it in a disgusting state of uncleanliness.  There is dog hair over literally everything, even the blades of the ceiling fans.  Don't ask me how you get dog hair on ceiling fans, but they managed to do it.  The first cleaning company I called walked off the job, saying the unit was a "biohazard."

Then I turned to the Mexicans.  Mexicans came in and removed the carpet and replaced it with new clean carpet.  A Mexican cleaning crew is doing what is needed in a filthy condo - actually cleaning it.

Mexicans - doing the jobs Americans won't since 18-whenever.

Don't build a wall - build a superhighway.  These people are a national resource!

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