Saturday, January 26, 2019

Here at the Real Estate Desk, we're pleased to announce that we now have a signed lease for the UCV.

There's still work to be done on the condo, but with a tenant in place, who does IT work from home during the day, it's going to be a whole lot easier.  Specifically, we no longer need to take time off from work or our weekends to meet contractors and receive deliveries.  Plus, he's getting the gas turned on so we'll have heat right before the big cold snap forecast to hit the Dep South next week.

One less anxiety to have to deal with.  Today, we resolved another worry when the cable guy came over and replaced the old non-functioning converter box with a new one.  Not only does the new one work, but it contains lots and lots of new features that we didn't have before. We can finally access Netflix and Amazon Prime on our television now, plus a lot of other Internet features (KEXP live sessions!) without having to buy a new, so-called smart TV.  Nice.

We're still swamped and behind schedule at work and we still have to get the brakes fixed on our car and get Eliot to the vet for his flea meds, but with the tenant in place, the dentist appointment completed, and the cable fixed, that seems a lot more manageable than it did last time we talked.

That, plus the government's back open!  Watching the way Pelosi so completely dominated and outmaneuvered the GOP reminds me of Father John Misty's lovely 2012 song Nancy From Now On.

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