Tuesday, January 01, 2019

Happy New Year.  It's back to work tomorrow.

We've been off for the better part of two weeks now and frankly, we're ready to go back - we've fallen into a routine centered around sleeping in late and watching football games all day, followed by late-night game-playing. The latter sounds sexy, but we mean it literally, or should we say virtually - the games are video games, mainly Fallout 76.  At this point, the routine has become monotonous and we're ready to return to the more familiar monotony of the routine of everyday work - 9 to 5, five days a week.

We're a little concerned about getting to sleep at a reasonable time tonight, and more concerned about getting  up early tomorrow.  We've made a mess of our circadian rhythm and have become practically nocturnal.  But we'll deal with it when it's time to deal with it.  We deliberately got up "early" (8:30 a.m.) this morning, hoping that we'd be tired later tonight and ready for bed before midnight, and that the fatigue of a normal workday will have us ready for bed even earlier tomorrow night, and so on.

This taste of structureless time off does not bode well for retirement.  While it was tolerable for a couple of weeks over the holidays, without work to eventually return to we're concerned we'd quickly become dissolute and useless, and probably wouldn't live very long. We've got to work on that, and we think a dog might help.

But anyway, "Monday" falls on a Wednesday this week, and the "weekend" was 12 days instead of the usual two.

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