Thursday, October 04, 2018

They did it.  They went through a sham of a so-called investigation into charges against the Anger Bear candidate for the Supreme Court, and they overlooked the key issue - that it's the temperament of the man that disqualifies him from sitting on the highest court of this nation, not the specific results of that temperament from 35 years ago that disqualifies him. 

I'm confident the Senate will find the votes to approve his nomination.  The sham of an investigation gives the moderates the protective cover they needed to cast a "yes" vote, and the two women being most closely watched - Susan Collins (R-ME) and Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) - will do what good Republican women always do and vote the way the men-folk tell them to.

But have they really thought this through?  What will happen with the Anger Bear on the bench?

My prediction is that the truth will eventually emerge and the Anger Bear's lies to Congress will be revealed.  And his quid pro quo arrangement with The Orange One for exoneration in exchange for nomination.  Now that he's shown his partisan tendencies, he will have to recuse himself from many cases, but of course, he will refuse - men with his sense of entitlement and privilege feel they should always get to speak their mind - and every controversial decision will get challenged and re-tried on the basis that his vote was not legitimate.  The Democratic Congress will move to have him impeached as we lurch our way from one constitutional crisis to the next.

The Orange Pumpernickel strikes again - now he's broken the Supreme Court.

But I'll give them this - they have caused me to rethink my position of some issues, specifically the Second Amendment.  It may be time, folks, to take up arms in order to overthrow tyranny.  Karl Marx once said that we'll hang the last capitalist with the rope he just sold us, and I wouldn't be surprised if the American public doesn't rise up and drive the tyrants out of Washington with the very guns that they insist we must own. 

And when that happens, you can join us at the barricades, laughing our heads off.   

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