Friday, September 07, 2018

Dreaming of the Masters

No, we were not listening to the Japanese band Soil & "PIMP" Sessions back in the 70s - Soil & "PIMP" Sessions did not even form until 2001.  In fact, we did not even discover these guys until . . . last Wednesday, when we heard someone streaming their music at the Warhorse Coffee Shop in Atlanta's venerable Goat Farm Arts Center.

But they're worth posting here because they're obviously dreaming of many of the same Masters we've been dreaming of, and also to show that jazz music is apparently live and well and living in Japan.

1 comment:

sipOJ said...

Jjapanese music really has a different feeling for me. Maybe it's because I can't understand the words so it hits more impressionistically. Not really sure what it is. Have you listened to Midori before? They have a really cool blend of jazz and rock with a crazy awesome female singer. I think they broke up because the singer had some mental illness, but their albums are wonderful. Youtube only has a playlist for this album but it's great:

Number Girl is another good one. School Girl Distortional Addict is a great album by them. This specific song I've kept playing over and over on walks recently. It picks up when some kind of jangly King Crimson 80s tones start a couple minutes in, and gets just crazy and good.